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About Our Reviews

Welcome to our reviews site. We hope to be able to provide reviews of our favorite restaurants, events, hotels, and anything else we can come up with for review. With any luck, you might even find our review helpful!

The Green Gage Plum


Located in West Richland off Van Giesen Blvd, this little gem of a restaurant has managed to capture our hearts. We have eaten both breakfast and dinner and found the food to be excellent.

The chef does a marvelous job of preparing the sausage gravy, adding enough flavorful seasoning to provide a most enjoyable meal. The chicken fried steak stands out as one of the best we have ever enjoyed because of its flavorful coating, the complimenting gravy, and the tenderness of the steak.

We have also found the blueberry hotcakes to be quite marvelous. Using fresh blueberries and a splendid batter, the chef creates two huge hotcakes, which should be enough to satisify even the largest appetite, however, the chef does hedge her bets by serving a perfectly cooked sausage patty with the hotcakes.

Our one complaint with the restaurant is that service tends to be on the slow side. Make sure that you plan to spend plenty of time when you come to eat here. An hour or more is not uncommon, though the food is certainly worthwhile and very well priced on the breakfast and lunch menus.

©2005 Desert Quail